1 sweet pepper of every color
peanut oil
fresh ginger root, finely shredded
- 1. Drain block of tofu, wrap in paper towels and press to remove excess moisture. Cut into medium to large cubes. Place in a dish of water and seasonings and let sit for half an hour.
- 2. Place skewer sticks in rectangular container and cover with enough hot water as to soak them in seasoned water. I suggest some peanut oil and shredded ginger and let the bamboo sticks soak and become flexible.
- 3. As the tofu marinates, wash the cherry tomatoes and set aside. Wash and chop the peppers and chop the onions, all in medium to large pieces.
- 4. Place the veggies and tofu on the skewers. The order in which you make it really doesn’t matter. Continue until the veggies are all used up.
- 5. Bake at 350 degrees, covered, until the veggies are cooked, then uncover and let the tofu brown. Serve over wild rice or cooked orzo. Yummy!