Top 13 Uses Of Activated Charcoal

July 31, 2018 by Grace Jauwena

In my opinion, charcoal is best known for its amazing ability to adsorb poison and toxin, but its additional uses are so amazing that it can be incorporated into your routine. I have put together a list of benefits, including instructions on how to apply it. Charcoal is antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory, making it a smart choice for hygienic care.

Poison adsorption

This is the primary and most well-known use of activated charcoal! Are you curious to know a variety of poisons it will adsorb? (1) DDT, (Insecticide) lead, alcohol, mercury, nicotine, silver, petroleum, lye, strong acids, and petroleum products.

Note: Activated charcoal can interfere with medicine by adsorbing it. Consult with your physician before use, if you are taking medication.

Sore throat or flu

Take six tablets, three times a day for sore throats. For the flu, charcoal can be taken in combination with other remedies. One of the best remedies to turn to are: hot baths, drinking plenty of water, and a healthy diet.

Venomous bites

Bee sting, fire ant bites, spider bites… all of these are unpleasant. Make a charcoal poultice and apply it for as long as the treatment is needed.

Poison ivy

Rashes and swelling appear seemingly all over the body. Charcoal poultices should be applied wherever the symptoms appear.

Reduces high cholesterol

Charcoal will adsorb (attach itself) to cholesterol and bile acids that are in the intestines. Thus, it prevents the charcoal from being absorbed into the body.

Skin conditions

Take a soothing charcoal bath if you have eczema, pox, or any skin condition that is causing redness, swelling, itchiness, or inflammation. Do not use on open wounds.


Drink a tall glass of water with 1-2 teaspoons of charcoal mixed in, for: overeating, flatulence, gas, pain, sour stomach, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Be sure to drink plenty of water.

Hygiene & beauty

Charcoal can be incorporated into a purifying face mask, made into blackhead remover paste, shampoo, toothpaste, and facial cleanser. To reap the most benefits, allow the charcoal product stay on for at least 5-10 minutes to adsorb toxins.

Oral care & whitening

You can purchase charcoal toothpaste, or add charcoal to your current toothpaste, and mix. Charcoal is also great for whitening. It may seem counterintuitive since it is black, but the charcoal works to remove plaque, kill bad bacteria, and prevent tooth decay—all without damaging the tooth enamel. Read more about it in Charcoal for Your Teeth?

Charcoal can also be used for mouth ulcers. Take six charcoal tablets, two-three times every day, and allow it to dissolve closely to the area of the ulcers.

Water filtration

Add charcoal sticks to your water bottle, gallon jugs, etc. These last for about two months, and helps pull metals, chemicals, pesticides, fluoride, and other impurities from the water. Staying away from these chemicals will help protect the immune system, and keeps the digestive system smooth and operative.

If consuming the whole charcoal causes constipation, make a slurry water out of the charcoal. This is done by mixing 1 tablespoon of charcoal to one quart of water, stir until completely dissolved, and allow the charcoal to settle at the bottom. The result is a clear layer of water. Pour this layer of water away, and use the slurry at the bottom for a drink. Always remember to drink plenty of water when taking charcoal.


It is both comforting and amazing to know that jaundice of the newborn can be effectively treated with activated charcoal! The jaundiced baby must be closely monitored to make sure that the blood levels don’t reach a dangerous point. Did you know that since 1975, babies in were protected from these high levels, by being given charcoal? “In some hospitals, the blood exchange transfusion rate has dropped 60% or more by using charcoal.” (1)

Fresh fridge, fresh food!

Have you ever used baking soda to keep the fridge smelling fresh? Good news—charcoal works too, and even better! Charcoal will help “filter” the air in the fridge. Instead of using the powder form, a pellet form is available for ease of use. Charcoal can also be used in other areas to keep it fresh, such as in the closet, laundry hamper, gym bag, shoes, garage, and car. Place the pellets in a small burlap bag.

Old mold

Mold growth in the home is toxic and causes impaired immune function. Mix charcoal, borax, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and essential oil (Such as tea tree or peppermint) to remove mold from hard surfaces. Be careful not to inhale

Have you ever used charcoal for any of the listed?

(1) (2) Uchee Pines Institute –


Grace Jauwena

Grace Jauwena is a health coach that focuses on plant-based nutrition and natural remedies. She strives to help others thrive holistically, and is pursuing a doctorate degree in natural medicine. She loves to cook, create recipes, style food, and take photos. In her free time, she explores new foods, hiking trails, and beaches with her husband, and spends time with family and friends.

Reprinted with permission from:

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