Old Mountain Remedies

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Insomnia Treatment

Mark Sandoval, M.D.Lifestyle Medicine 1. Go to bed early at the same time every night (Early to bed, early to rise…)2. Have a regular bedtime...

The Health Benefits of Gardening: How Nature Nurtures Mind and Body

Every day that I spend in my garden I can feel my mood improve. And it is really no surprise that gardening has a...

Your Easy Guide to Contrast Hydrotherapy

The practice of using water for therapeutic purposes dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Hippocrates recommended immersion baths as a way to...

Why the Bacteria in Your Gut Matters

March 27, 2014 by Jon Ewald, MD When I was younger, I used to enjoy feasting on gigantic double bacon cheeseburgers (preferably covered with jalapenos). After a...