Get Relief From Anxiety With These Natural Remedies

“Grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, all tend to break down the life forces and to invite decay and death”. (The Ministry of Healing, 241).

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety is the most common mental illness in the U.S. (affecting 40 million adults age 18 or older) and worldwide. The facts are shocking, yet anxiety disorders are highly treatable.

Pressures plague our society and world. Life has rapidly become fast-paced and demands greater. With bigger assets and more possessions come larger responsibilities and worries. We live with many triggers in our environment; technology, electronics, toxins, etc. Poor nutrition is linked to mental and emotional disorders, yet our food supply does not “supply” our nutritional needs.

What’s going on here?

I briefly shared about my experience with developing anxiety in the past and my journey to healing here. Anxiety is not always due to an imbalanced diet. There could be other reasons:

  • Stress: financial, the death of a loved one, medical illness, traumatic event, etc.
  • Medication side effects
  • Illicit drug use
  • Symptoms of medical illness
  • Lack of oxygen

If you are taking medications, pregnant or nursing, over 65 years old, or if this is for children, it is important to speak with your doctor about the interaction between certain medications and herbs, and safety of use for each case. As always, note that even good things should be taken in moderation.

This article contains various categories of healing anxiety the natural way.

Dry Brush Massage

Using a stiff brush on the body stimulates the lymphatic system for detox. It gives a feeling of invigoration and energizing qualities. You can apply a bit of body oil on the brush, or just use it dry. Do this massage followed by a cool shower.

Personal Habits

Our personal daily habits have a lot to do with how we feel. Keeping a good schedule and healthy habits will allow you to feel steady and accomplished throughout the day, thus minimizing anxiety and worries. Share these with friend or family member and ask them to help keep you accountable to stay on track.


Exercise is best in the morning before beginning work. If this isn’t possible, do it in the evening. Getting plenty of exercise reduces anxiety, tension, feelings of sadness, and improves mood overall. Begin with a simple routine of vigorous walking and jogging. Exercise produces oxytocin and is an instant mood-booster. Those suffering from anxiety may feel that exercising will worsen their condition, but it will help. Deep breathing exercises will also help with anxiety. It raises serotonin levels, which help with sleeplessness.


Studies show that a diet high in protein increases the chances of mood swings, anxiety, depression, and irritability. A balanced plant-based diet is most favorable in maintaining mental and emotional health.


Stress produces cortisol, and chronic stress produces an overabundance of cortisol. Massages can help reduce this hormone and in turn relax the body. Massages, foot rubs, and backrubs reduce tension and stimulate the production of endorphins

Spiritual exercise

Guided Bible study and daily prayer help the mind stay positive and joyful, and gives fulfillment.

Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine

Although alcohol has sedative effects, the problem returns with a vengeance once the effects have worn off. This stimulates a dependency cycle. Smoking also has similar consequences as alcohol usage, and it is linked to the development of anxiety. Caffeine causes nervousness and jitters, which is not at all helpful for those with chronic anxiety and panic attacks.


Wet Sheet Pack

This treatment is sometimes more sufficient than the use of medication. Cold, wet sheet packs are known for agitated depression but can be used to relieve anxiety, especially in cases of panic attacks. Place a single wet sheet layer on a plastic shower curtain on the bed and wrap it around the patient. Cover every inch of skin from the collarbone down. This treatment is effective because it has a sedative effect.

Neutral Bath

Take a neutral bath at 97-98º F. Keep your head cool. This bath promotes calming effects.

Hot Bath

A complete body hot bath is also effective for depression, flu and cold, and more indications. The goal of this bath is to raise the oral temperature to 102º F.



Essential oil diffusers are a great way to enjoy the scents of essential oils. Lavender, citrus, and peppermint are wonderful in stress and anxiety relief.

Light Therapy

Light therapy mimics sunlight in that it boosts serotonin levels.

Herbal Treatment

Herbs can be taken in various forms; as an extract, herbal tea, capsule, and tinctures.

Hawthorn Berry tea

Hawthorn lowers the blood pressure thus it is a good remedy for hypertension. Hawthorn works on the cardiovascular system. This is good for cardiovascular-related manifestations of anxiety.

Catnip tea

Catnip helps treat insomnia and headaches, relieve stress, and reduce anxiety.

Hops tea

Hops reduce mild symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. When used in combination with valerian, it can help improve sleep quality.

Valerian root

Valerian root is a remedy for sleep. Since anxiety can cause sleeplessness, this one is effective at night.


Lavender is a classic remedy that has sedative effects on the nervous system, which will help reduce anxiety and depression.

Lemon balm

Lemon Balm also contains sedative properties.


The tincture is the most effective type and was found to be just as effective as anxiety prescription medicine.


Chamomile is a commonly used herb for calming effects. It a great remedy for anxiety.


Skullcap was a go-to remedy before pharmaceutical tranquilizers to bring relief from anxiety and nervous tension.


This herb works to counteract the effects of stress and can be just as effective in reducing anxiety as certain medications.


Rhodiola is used as a calming nerve tonic.


Sage quickens the senses and memory and improves the mood.

Gingko biloba

Gingko boosts blood circulation and brain activity which improve the mood.


This herb works to counteract the effects of stress and can be just as effective in reducing anxiety as certain medications.


Bacopa reduces cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone released due to stress.

Kava Kava

Kava kava helps manage the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety can use rapid breathing, sweating, nervousness, and dizziness.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is very effective against depression, especially when combined with licorice root. Therefore, it is very suitable for depression-related anxiety.

Dietary Supplements

  1. Vitamin A
  2. B-complex
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin D
  5. Vitamin E
  6. Flaxseed oil
  7. Magnesium
  8. 5-HTP



Grace Jauwena
Grace Jauwena is a health coach that focuses on plant-based nutrition and natural remedies. She strives to help others thrive holistically, and is pursuing a doctorate degree in natural medicine. She loves to cook, create recipes, style food, and take photos. In her free time, she explores new foods, hiking trails, and beaches with her husband, and spends time with family and friends.

Reprinted with permission from:

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